Ellie’s Safe House is teaming up with The RAP Project (the Raising Awareness and Prevention Project) to deliver a very special online workshop especially for parents to help them navigate the tricky world of social media with their children and teenagers.
The Rap project is a fantastic UK organisation run by parents for parents. It provides a variety of presentations around the world to pre-teens, teenagers, young adults, teachers and parents to raise awareness about personal safety issues on and offline.
Ellie’s Safe House has chosen to team up with The Rap Project after local parents have come forward with various issues affecting children and teens in our local Morzine, Les Gets and Portes du Soleil area. These issues include grooming online, self-harm, anxiety and also the devastating effects of suicide.
Co-Founder of the Rap Project, Allison Havey will provide an online workshop tackling some of these issues but also raising awareness of other things to look out for to help you further protect your children. She will also give you top tips to help you keep a positive relationship with your child whilst navigating these tricky and often controversial issues.
Ellie’s Safe House will be providing a French translation after the event.
WHO: Allison Havey, the Co-Founder of The RAP Project
WHEN: Tuesday 13th April 2021, 6pm French time (CET)
DURATION: 1 hour with 15 minutes for questions
PRICE: Donation to ELLIE’S SAFE HOUSE (to cover event costs totalling 500 euros)
To register for the event please click here
Any questions or more information please contact Ellie’s Safe House by emailing alice.gregr@gmail.com
Ellie’s Safe House is a community led project, funded and run by The Ellie Soutter foundation. It’s purpose is to provide both a virtual confidential meeting place and frequent workshops for children and young adults. A place where they can find a signposting service and first point of call for compassion, advice and be able to speak to professionals about bullying, stress, anxiety and relationships. Ellie’s Safe House will advise people on their social wellbeing and help organise ongoing therapy sessions if required. We’re here to make sure the young people in our community get the best possible support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
The Rap Project – http://therapproject.co.uk/