My name is Isaac Beasley, I am a fun, outgoing person who seeks adrenaline.
Whilst I do live in the beautiful countryside near the idyllic town of Henley on Thames in England, I have been visiting les gets consistently for over 8 years now. As a photographer I honestly believe there is no better place than the mountains especially that of les gets and the surrounding areas.
Having lived in a village community all my life and then experiencing the super closely-knit family of the residents of Les Gets I am proud to call it my second home. Through this amazing village over the years I have made a number of friends and a handful of people that I can call family, in particular the Soutters. Ellie was a very good friend of mine and someone that will always be in my heart no matter where I go. With growing up traveling to les gets, I have a keen love for the outdoors, in particular snow sports. So, when the question was asked whether I wanted to be on the committee of the Ellie Soutter foundation, there was only one answer.
Running my own photography business, I have a good understanding about design and graphics. On top of this I help the foundation with PR ideas and drawing up possible ways of increasing our presence as a foundation and how we can try to increase our funding/donations.