We’re hoping to organise and facilitate several events each year, both to raise important funds for The Ellie Soutter Foundation and to promote mental health awareness amongst young athletes.
If you’re planning an event to support The Ellie Soutter Foundation, please Fondation Ellie Soutter !! We’d love to add it to our events calendar.
This is going to be a great virtual quiz night! Be quick to sign up for your team!
Thursday 3rd December 2020 7.00pm- 8.30pm
In the quest for company and social interaction, Zoom quizzes have become a staple in many of our weekend plans in 2020. It will therefore come as no surprise that this year we will be hosting our very own Virtual Quiz Night to benefit our chosen charity – The Ellie Soutter Foundation @esfoundation
THE AUCTION WEBSITE IS LIVE – Place your bids now to secure some amazing prizes!
Contact us on [email protected] to register for a link to join, spaces are limited so make sure to secure your place quickly!
You can join as an individual or as a team – even if you are in separate households.
#theelliesoutterfoundation #raisingfundsfortheelliesoutterfoundation #mentalhealthinsport